Incident & Claim Management
The basis for quality management
The NARIS® Incidents feature makes incident reporting super easy. Stimulating a reporting culture, extensive (trend) analyses and targeted follow-up are the keys to success.
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Everything you're looking for in GRC Software.
Including the fun factor.
Report Incidents
Register different types of incidents or damages through an app or a comprehensive registration form to safely report incidents.
Incident Analysis
Perform an incident analysis using a method that suits you, for example, BowTie method, SIRE, fishbone or 5x Why.
Incident Follow-up
After carrying out the analysis, take action with the relevant stakeholders and ensure adequate feedback to the reporter.
Check whether the actions are actually followed up and provide an organisation-wide insight into where the potential for improvement lies.
Reports and Trend Analyses
Create reports and perform trend analyses to increase the maturity level of the organisation.
Incident Management: Basis for Quality Management
Learning from mistakes or near-misses is an important process to get a grip on the quality and safety of your organisation. We see information from incident management as valuable fuel for growth. Four things are extremely important in incident management: Report, Analyse, Follow-up and Monitor.

Increase Learning Capacity & Reporting Culture
Research shows that on average, every human makes 5 mistakes a day. However, talking about mistakes is not so human-like. It requires a process and culture. Facilitate the entire incident management process and stimulate a positive (error) culture. Transform from a culture of judgement to a learning organisation. An important part of this is the creation of a reporting culture.
Make Safe Incident Reporting Easy
In a jiffy, it should be possible to report an incident safely. Replace complicated paper forms or Excel sheets. The use of an incident app makes it possible to easily register incidents (and near-misses) anytime and anywhere. Afterwards, you can enhance the incident report in the application and link it to the relevant action holder, objective, or department. This way employees can safely report incidents.

More Than Just Mandatory Reports
To increase the quality of your organisation, it is useful to provide insight into the non-mandatory reports. These (early-warning) signals are a predictor of future risks. The system makes it possible to record and monitor all types of signals. A set of categories helps to apply this directly.
One Incident Is Not an Incident
Overview and insight – that is what incident management is all about. Incidents often have overlapping causes. Identify trends by means of analyses that make cross-sections of, for example, types of causes, periods, departments, locations, and processes. If desired, NARIS can facilitate this entire process.

Advise Management
Consolidate the incident management information and link it to the strategy of your organisation. Through trend analyses and real-time reporting, you can provide the management with the right steering information. After decision-making, the software gives insight into whether the actions have actually been carried out.
Frequently Asked Questions
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NARIS GRC is very versatile, but many organizations want to introduce it step by step. That is why we facilitate this easily. You can use and configure those parts of the software that you need at that moment. Together we can determine what is most valuable in the beginning and what the growth path is. We are happy to help you with this, so please contact us for the possibilities.
Life is like a box of chocolates. We are happy to help you make the right choice. You can opt for a version that helps you leave Excel behind and take the first steps in professionalization, but if your organization has already come a long way and you want to do everything yourself, that is also possible, so please contact us for more information. possibilities.
If you want, you can set up the environment yourself. The software guides you through this. You can go through a wizard that prepares your device. After that it’s just a matter of starting. You can click Help anywhere in the software and you will be helped on that part with extensive help texts and videos that show you step by step what to do. Do you want us to guide you? That too is possible. We not only help with the design of the software and best practices, but also with consultancy work. Please contact us for the possibilities.
Many software suppliers of GRC software “lean” on the certifications of their hosting party, we also want to be safe ourselves. That is why we have been ISO 27001 certified since 2016. Isn’t that what you expect from your GRC supplier?!
Yes. We have many references and we would like to put you in touch with them. But it is not only important to get to know other organizations in the beginning, it is also good to learn from each other in user groups while using the software. In addition, we have been known for years as the party that shares knowledge! Have a look here